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Hilda Oti Inspirational  Quotes

“Do good to whoever crosses your part in the journey of life, as you desire a greater good from a powerful God, know that the good you receive is equal to the one you gave”                           Hilda Oti

“No man can achieve prosperity without a divine order so seek divinity to achieve lasting prosperity”                                                                                                      Hilda Oti

“We are renewed each day by our works and fruits, the nature of our works and fruits depend on the light or darkness in them, live in God’s light to bear good fruits”                  Hilda Oti

“When we are born of God, we see God and feel His presence in so many glorious ways then we are filled with faith, joy and hope knowing that the ‘I Am that I Am’ is with us always”                                                                                                                                      Hilda Oti

“Your life is programmed for greatness before you were conceived but the enemy of your DNA of greatness is not asleep; give yourself no sleep also and overcome this enemy with the power of God”                                                                     Hilda Oti

"Our God is a covenant  keeping God, whatever covenant you have made with Jehovah He will surely keep it, but you have to keep your part of the bargain to close all doors to the enemy"

                          Hilda Oti

"When you concern yourself with Kingdom issues, you possess a kingdom paradigm that allows you transition from darkness to light and from a lost inheritance to the Lord’s inheritance"                                                                       Hilda Oti

“New Year is a time for sober reflection; do you live a life that glorifies God or the devil? There is always a price tag for everything we do so live right to get heavenly awards to avoid reaping the devils gifts”.                           Hilda Oti  

“Life is what we make of it, it’s good if you believe it to be so, it’s the other way if you believe it to be that way, to get the best from life, belief that life will give you the very best”                                                                                                                                                                                         Hilda Oti

“Never be discouraged in life because your trust and hope is in the Ancient of Days who never fails"                                                                                                                                                  Hilda Oti

“Develop your own relationship with Jesus and not live off the spirituality of others for your own relationship is unique because its you"                                                                              Hilda Oti

"God closes doors that leads no where"                                                                                                                                                                                                  Hilda Oti 

“We have victory everyday when we learn to trust the One who has overcome the world for us; we are indeed more than conquerors”                                                                                                           Hilda Oti

“Tag your life to Christ Jesus and you will never be dismayed, He will strengthen you and uphold you with His mighty right hand”.                                                                                             Hilda Oti

“Some events have to happen in your life to push you towards your greatness, never resist change”                                                   Hilda Oti

“Seeking God in all you do will bring lasting fulfillment but keeping Him out brings short term fulfillment”

                                                                                                     Hilda Oti

“The fresh oil of anointing for success is flowing from the crevice of every man’s soul, look inwards and upwards, the flow never runs dry”                                                Hilda Oti 

“No man is expected to experience lack for long if he is properly in tune with God.”                                                                                                                                   Hilda Oti

“Obedience to God puts you in a good position for promotion; it brings into your life heavenly awards and there is an allegiance from the sovereign throne of God and all the Angelic Host in Heaven”                                                                                                                           Hilda Oti

 “Its never too late to start all over in life, each day gives us the opportunity to start afresh;  to change and be better than who we were yesterday, this is called growth a process toward fullness or fulfillment”.                                              Hilda Oti

"We all have a natural tenacity to survive any hard circumstance, its built in by God the ultimate power source"                                                                                                                        Hilda Oti

“You are the apple of my eyes says the Lord, let’s keep this in mind when passing through any form of temporary setback; we are the corner stone that cannot be shaken because we have the attention of the ‘I AM THAT I AM’  "                               Hilda Oti

“We are so blessed and highly favored to be given the grace to be children of God, that is the best gift everyone should desire”.                                                                                                                                              Hilda Oti

“Jesus Christ is the light of the world, He is a lamp  unto our feet and so lights up our world for we are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that we may declare the praises of him who called us out of darkness into his wonderful light”.                                      Hilda Oti

“Those who faithfully walk with God are heirs of God and so will never loose in the battles of life”.

                                                                                                                                            Hilda Oti

“Always look forward to receiving from God, be expectant of God’s goodness and mercies and it will surely manifest to you”                                                                                                                                           Hilda Oti

“When you listen to the Holy Spirit and rest in God as your all in all then you cannot fail"                                                                                                                          Hilda Oti

“We all have a special gift in us, the underestimated power of the tongue, use it for your good today and never complain again”                                                                                                          Hilda Oti

“In a world that is filled with so much strife and suffering, those who put their trust and hope in God always sail confidently through it all into victory”                              Hilda Oti

“There is power in your tongue, use it wisely by speaking positive words”                                                                  Hilda Oti

“If there is anything so certain in this life is that whatever a man sows he shall surely reap, it is more profitable to sow good seeds”                                                                                                 Hilda Oti

“The man who diligently seeks the good of his fellow man will always be promoted”                                                                                                                                   Hilda Oti

“The universe has already made arrangements to supply all your necessities, only make use of the God GPS in you to find all you need”.                                                    Hilda Oti 

“We need to remove all forms of wickedness out of our lives to experience the radiance of God’s love and let’s be a vessel for carrying this love into the world. It is not us who learn to love, but we sub­mit ourselves to experiencing and passing on the overflowing love of God”.                                                        Hilda Oti

“Those who faithfully walk with God are heirs of God and so will never loose in the battles of life”.                                                                                                                                                                                                       Hilda Oti

“Anyone can enjoy God's friendship if you choose to act like Him, for God is love”                                                                                                                                                                       Hilda Oti

“New Year brings new hopes, fresh dreams, new strengths, new horizons, it’s a new dawn, the very best awaiting us so seize the new opportunity to be who God created you to be”.                                                                                                Hilda Oti

“Walking with the Lord and trusting Him with all your heart is compared to walking in a dark room and the only light you see is God’s mighty hand holding your hand”                                                                     Hilda Oti

“As the LORD sustains us, let’s stand firm and let nothing move us. We will be secure because there is hope; we will look about us and take our rest in His LOVE”.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Hilda Oti

“When God tells you to turn from your fleshy path and come his way, follow Him for His path is unto life everlasting and fullness of joy”                                                   Hilda Oti

“Our Identity is in Christ Jesus for as we are united with him, we are also one with him in spirit.”                                                                                                                                                                                              Hilda Oti

“God’s standard for us is not to overwhelm us but to save us from all the fiery darts of the enemy"                                                                  Hilda Oti

“We are filled with an inexpressible joy knowing that God will grant us what we ask Him for He will not refuse us any good thing”.                                                                Hilda Oti

“Never underestimate the power of sowing into the work of the Kingdom, it is the most profitable venture on the face of the earth”                                                       Hilda Oti

“It does not matter what anyone says about you, only what God says matters”                                                     Hilda Oti

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