Facing A Cross Road In Life

What is a crossroad? It is a place of decision that will have a long-lasting effect in our lives. Very often in our lives we find ourselves standing at a major crossroad where we will have to make an important choice.
When talking about crossroads dilema, I am referring to the bigger decisions you make that will have a great effect on your life’s journey. You could be faced with more than one career choice, could be job offers, could be choosing the right spouse, could be choices of where to relocate to etc.
These choices often cause a lot of anxiety because so much is at stake. At this point we should ask ourselves one important question will the choice we make be a choice that will fulfill God's purpose for our lives? Or will it simply be a choice that follows our own heart's desire?
When we are stuck and confused, it’s because we have reached a point where our rational mind cannot give us anymore direction. At this point, it is essential for us to be silent and let go of our mental grip on the situation and tune into our spirit man.
As you meditate in silence you will hear the silent whispers of the Holy Spirit of God. Many times he speaks to us but we are too busy to hear him. Sometimes we hear the spirit talking to our hearts but because we have made up our minds on the final decision to take, we shut out the voice of the Holy Spirit. And you eventually make the wrong choice at cross roads and later blame God for leading you astray.

In Proverbs 3:5 and 6, King Solomon wrote: "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and He shall direct thy paths." Therefore, we must trust in the Lord and not lean on our own understanding. We must be confident that God knows the end from the beginning, and He will lead us in the way that is best for us.
Jacob faced a crossroad when he wrestled with the angel at Peniel (Gen. 32:24). Jesus Christ faced a crossroad when He struggled with His own soul in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matt. 26:36-42).
None of us can afford to rely upon our own understanding. Because of our finite nature, we are limited. Even what we see and what we think we know can be very different from what is actually true. Only an all-wise, and all-knowing loving God can be trusted to provide the very best for us in every area of our lives.
When you choose to obey the will of God for your life, you put yourself in a position to hear and to receive God's guidance for the course and direction of your life. Obedience to God will keep you calm in the midst of chaos and will bring you through to victory in the face of defeat. But true obedience must be more than just a one-time action; obedience must be a lifestyle.
In true obedience, the element of humility is always present. Humility keeps your heart tender and pliable before God so that you are always willing to say, "Lord, not my will, but Thy will be done."
If you walk in obedience before God daily, you will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading and instruction for you. Obedience increases the anointing of the Holy Spirit and expands the measure of God's grace upon your life. Disobedience decreases the anointing and limits the measure of grace you operate in.
If you make the decision to obey God - no matter what you may see, think, or feel - when you stand at a crossroad in your life, you will be able to hear the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit saying, "...This is the way, walk ye in it..." Isa. 30:21!
Apostle Hilda Oti