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Don’t Despise Small Beginnings!

The bible recognizes small beginnings. Zechariah 4:10 say’s “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand.”

The word "despise" in the above verse means to hold in contempt, or to mock. It means to regard something or someone as insignificant. What little thing, what talent, what gift, what failed dream, what false start, have you mocked or despised? Have you given up on yourself, on some goal, some dream or worthy cause? Is your life full of regrets and fears that have come to immobilize you and hold you back? Does your past failures and present weaknesses keep you from trying again? Today the "Word of the Lord" comes fresh and timely to you saying, "Do not despise the day of small things. Do not mock the day of small beginnings"

Most great men and women we hear about today all started their journey from very humble beginnings. Never despise the day of small beginnings.” It’s the stage you learn all you will need when you eventually become a success story. It’s a crucial stage of your personal development to your success. Most people that win lotteries and suddenly become wealthy overnight most times eventually loose their wealth because they lacked the wisdom to retain it. Why do they loose the new found wealth overnight? Because they did not work for it, they had no training on wealth management, they did not face any adversities so they had no victory to look back on, the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step, they did not take that first step, they jumped many important steps to their new found wealth so they loose it overnight.

Richard Branson is a good example of someone who’s learnt to take small beginnings and expand them into greater horizons.. Born in 1950, at the age of 17 he started publishing a student magazine. Three years later he founded Virgin as a record mail order company. He soon opened his first store in London’s Oxford Street. And in 1972 he formed the Virgin Records music label growing to be one of the world’s top six record companies in the 80s through popular artists such as The Rolling Stones, Janet Jackson and Peter Gabriel. Since then the Virgin brand has expanded into flights, rail travel, retail, internet, drinks, hotels and leisure and finance.

What are the small beginnings in your life? God’s will is that you expand from where you are for He delights in taking the insignificant, and making something out of it. Down through history we can see the pattern. The rod of Moses was a small thing, but the rod of Moses became the rod of God, and was used to deliver a nation. Gideon, took a small army of men, 300 in number, and conquered a huge well equipped, fighting machine.

Samson, took the jaw bone of a donkey, a small thing, and slew a thousand Philistines. David, who was small in stature, took five small smooth stones, and terminated a one man army, the giant Goliath, who had intimidated thousands! A handful of meal and a measure of oil, sustained a widow through years of famine, when God blessed it.

What do you have in your hand for God to bless? You cannot be asking God for financial blessings without starting a project. When you start something new it isn’t going to be perfect in the beginning but its very important to begin, launch out, make plans or do anything that will get you to where you want be. Don’t be discouraged when your start isn’t what you imagined. Don’t give up when faced with haters and obstacles, its part of the process, if you have no haters in your journey then your vision is going nowhere. The bigger your destiny, the greater your obstacles and haters so learn to keep working at your vision in the face of opposition for God whom you have believed will see you through! Shalom friends!

Apostle Hilda Oti

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